About Me

Introduction/Background: Managers’ Prescription is a registered firm in The Gambia engaged in grass root trainings on business plans preparation and development, governance and management training, enterprise management and business development services (BDS), strategic planning processes, advisory services, participatory social science researches, capacity/needs assessment, content preparation and delivery, professional curriculum research and development, training manual preparation and development, project management and trainings, resource mobilizations, financial management and community procurements trainings, etc. 

Managers’ Prescription as a registered entity is professional consulting establishment composed of managing partners with requisite technical, managerial and professional as well as academic prowess to embark on the business on which the entity commits itself to do. 


The objectives of the this initiative is to bridge gap between services needed and that of what is provided for as well as provides clients with who are mostly grass root organizations and or their partners with opportunity to access professional coaching preparation and support on continual basis at a “value for Money worth”.

Stakeholders’ and partners: Managers’ Prescription shall work with grass root organization on rural/community development, gender, youth and other interest groups such as in the areas nutritional education, disaster management, community planning, strategic and participatory planning, agric-business and agronomy, business plan preparation, project proposal writing, training in leadership and good governance, baseline and assessments, etc.

Projects and programs

Managers’ Prescription has a list of partners and clients in the area of agriculture, rural and community development, gender, youth employment matters entrepreneurships, advisory and counseling services, etc. and over the years has conducted a series of assignments for a list of clients examples, NEDI/GCAV, Nema, Saama Kairo Federation, CRS, AAITG, UP, etc.

Businesses engagements and contracts

Managers’ Prescription shall engaged capable and qualified professionals at all time for its assignments and shall endeavor at all times to formalized such engagements through signing of engagement contracts with all contractors for accountability and transparency purposes.

Disputes and conflict resolutions process

In case of disputes and conflicts an initial way out through negotiation and dialogue will follow suit and where these fails, existing laws of the land shall be the last resort.

Integrity and professionalism

Managers’ Prescription shall maintain high ethical and professional integrity by engaging in businesses that fall within the purview of its area of competence. Furthermore, it shall ensure honesty, service oriented and customer care and satisfaction and above all social entrepreneurship in all its dealing with her customers and clients.

Payments and issuance of contracts

All payments and issuance of contracts shall be competitive, transparent and objective to ensure efficiency and effectiveness at all time.

Core values and principles includes

partnerships, networking, subsidiary, customer satisfaction, service oriented, honesty, sustainability, consistency, etc.

Team Composition and experience

Our team comprise of highly qualified individuals with extended experience in community/rural development in The Gambia for over 30 years. We have been into the business of research and consultancies in The Gambia for more than ten years and as a team we have during the last six years existed working together producing high quality products within the accepted time frame. We are dynamic, result oriented and credible and given our individual qualifications and experience all the members of the team are authorities in their own rights, domain and profession and hence we are available, willing and open to various kinds of assignments at all the time and anywhere we may be need.







Our Partners